My Services

Monthly Newsletter

The Oxford Income Letter helps you prepare for your golden years and live the lifestyle you want – without cutting corners... all using my proprietary 10-11-12 System. This system is designed to generate 11% yields in 10 years or 12% average annual returns in 10 years with dividends reinvested. Each month, Members receive my thoughts on the market and my latest investment recommendation. The Oxford Income Letter features four different investment portfolios that allow you to protect and build your wealth.

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VIP Trading Service

I’ve pinpointed a common chart pattern that, when combined with an uncommon indicator, produces fast and predictable profits. This unusual indicator was created by a Wall Street legend, who shared his secrets with me shortly before his death nearly 20 years ago.

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VIP Trading Service

My Oxford Bond Advantage service allows you to invest in America’s best companies by purchasing corporate bonds. With bond investments – unlike traditional stock investments – you’ll always know the expected annual return before you invest and exactly when you’ll receive it. And your initial stake is contractually obligated to be returned in full. It’s possible to get the double-digit returns of fast-moving stocks – but with a fraction of the risk and volatility.

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VIP Trading Service

Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld has identified the secret behind the majority of his triple-digit wins... He calls them “penny options” because they allow you to control shares of some of the world’s most profitable companies for $5 or less... And they give you the chance to see significant profits in a short period of time. 

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