About Me

Hi there. I'm Marc Lichtenfeld, and I'm the Chief Income Strategist for The Oxford Club, the world's largest financial fellowship with more than 110,000 Members. I am also a Chartered Market Technician.

As is likely the case for many of you, my journey from investor to income investor was a long and circuitous one.

I could have made things much easier on myself. You see, my grandfather worked on Wall Street. In fact, he owned a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He often preached the merits of conservative dividend growth investing. Like many young people, I heard him but didn’t listen. It took me years to appreciate those lessons.

With little effort, he could have gotten me a job on the floor of the Exchange or with any big firm on Wall Street. But I had other ideas...

I eventually landed in San Francisco, where I beat down the door to an investment firm and got a job as an assistant on the trading desk. I say I beat it down because the company didn't offer me the job, despite the fact that I had zero experience.

So I made them an extraordinary offer: "I'll work for free executing trades for a week. If you don't think I did a good job, I won't come back Monday." The gambit worked. A week later, I was getting paid (barely) to buy and sell thousands of shares of stock for traders who screamed orders at me each day from 6:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., when I would then have to reconcile the books.

I spent three years on the trading desk (eventually being promoted to trader), wrote for Jim Cramer’s TheStreet and became a sell-side analyst for one of the most contrarian firms on Wall Street. Lawsuits, death threats and extra security were part of the culture at this firm. Why? Because of our ability to tell the truth about companies, especially when the truth was ugly.

Which leads me back to the advice my grandfather gave me many years ago...

Although I had always invested in dividend stocks, I spent much of my career in the markets looking for home runs!

Then I had my epiphany: All those dividend growth stocks I'd practically ignored over the years, putting in dribs and drabs of money? Those were what produced the greatest returns for me over the long term.

So basically, if I had just appreciated what my grandfather told me those many years ago, I could have grown my account even more. But then again, I might not have had the same experiences – the lessons that gave me wisdom, not just knowledge.

Once I had that "eureka!" moment, I developed my 10-11-12 dividend investing system, which generates 11% yields and 12% average annual total returns. Then I wrote my international bestselling book Get Rich with Dividends: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns, which has now been translated into Japanese and several other languages.

Because time is such an important component in dividend growth investing, I wanted to get the information out to the masses as quickly as possible. My monthly newsletter, The Oxford Income Letter, and free e-letter, Wealthy Retirement, quickly followed.

I also run four fast-paced trading services where I share stock and bond recommendations: Technical Pattern Profits, Penny Options Trader and Oxford Bond Advantage.

In addition to Get Rich with Dividends, I also wrote the national bestseller You Don’t Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement: How to Maintain Your Lifestyle without Getting a Job or Cutting Corners.

Now I’m a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg Radio, Fox Business and Yahoo Finance and a contributor to The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and U.S. News & World Report. And I’ve spoken at conferences all over the world...

For one sole purpose...

To help you achieve the safe and rising income you deserve.

My grandfather was right, but I was too young to notice. Thankfully, I realized it before it was too late. Hopefully, you’ll take a more direct path than I did and generate more investment income than you ever thought possible.

I’m happy you’re here.

Good investing,

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